• Daily Telegraph(August 5th, 2006)

    "(...)This is a PDA system using a satellite Global Positioning system to tell users exactly where they are.(...) This was brillant, fun."
    Rating: 9/10
  • read the article

  • Femme Actuelle (July 10th, 2006)

    "(...)The Digi-Guide will at last make your life easier(...) 35 different tours to finally know Paris by heart."

  • PDA & Smartphone Magazine, Hors Série - June 12th, 2006

    "Don't forget the Guide!
    To discover the real Paris with its unusual places (...) Digi-Guide has created a Digital Pocket Guide, that takes you by the hand to visit the Capital."

  • Canal + (May 15th 2006 - Emission La Matinale)

    "Sunny days are back, and along with them the desire to walk around the city (...). Digi-Guide designed the first GPS tourist guide that allows you to easily visit the city. For 30 €/1 day or 50 €/2 days, you will never be lost again in Paris (...). The PDA linked to a GPS receiver gives you tourist information you need while your're walking (...). It seemed fun so I wanted to tell you about it."

  • Le Parisien (May 8th, 2006)

    "Digi-Guide, the new all-in-one guide, 2006 vintage (...). An interactive device to make your visit of paris successful."